Technical and Pedagogical Training for Technicians and Vocational Teachers: Improving the Quality of Vocational Training in Dodoma, Tanzania Project

Project Summary:

The project aims to develop institutional infrastructure, achieve institutional accreditation, and establish a digital platform to support online learning. The primary focus is on the first phase of establishing DBTTC, which includes building infrastructure and covering operational expenses to ensure smooth institutional operations.


Objective 01:  A new technical college is established and has all the needed infrastructure and equipment in order to get full accreditation and registration for five courses by NACTE.

Objective 02: Highly qualified faculty and staff members are teaching at and managing the DBTTC, laying a strong foundation for a strong independent institution.

Objective 03:  DBTTC produces highly qualified technicians with the right mix of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills targeted to the needs of the private industry and contributes to diminishing the skills gap of young people nationwide.

Objective 04: DBTTC has established partnerships with reputable companies/industries in different sectors and is known for the quality of their students during their field attachments.

Objective 05: An innovative, creative, and flexible digital education platform including five digitalized NACTE-approved curricula is established.



Project Sponsor: Arthur Weser Foundation

DB Implementing Partners Abroad: DB Jugend Weltweit

DB Project Implementing partners; DB KIITEC

Project Manager: Cassian Bilikwija

Key Team Members: Alfred Dalasia & Gideon

Current Status:

As of July 2024, the project is finalizing its 3rd quarter of the last year of the project implementation. The project is scheduled to be completed in October 2024 but given the availability of a budget and unachievement of some indicators, there is a discussion to request a no-cost project extension to finalize the anticipated milestones and exhaust the project budget.

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