Skills Development, Social dialogue and decent jobs for young Tanzanians Project

Project Summary:

The TVET Project aims to equip Tanzanian graduates from technical colleges and vocational training institutions with practical skills for private-sector employment. Currently, less than 2% of female and 4% of male workers have received vocational training, due to a historic focus on academic education, a disconnect between training institutions and the private sector, and high tuition fees. The project targets youth aged 18-35 and is implemented by the Association of Tanzanian Employers (ATE), the National Trade Union Confederation (TUCTA), and selected TVET institutions, in collaboration with Danish organizations.

The project’s long-term goal is to align vocational training with industry demands, enhancing the employability of young graduates. Specifically, ATE and TUCTA aim to provide quality, demand-responsive skills training to improve job opportunities for young people, fostering collective social and economic growth.

The specific outcomes of this project include;

-Improved demand-driven TVET system with social partners promoting TVET training that accommodates current and future skills needed;

-Companies and workers contribute to a modernized learning environment with flexible work-based learning (for apprentices and teachers), and

-Skilled young people and workers are competent with mechanical and electrical skills in demand by private companies (particularly in the agro-industry).


Project Stakeholders:

-Project sponsors: DTDA and DI

-Project Coordinating Team: ATE, TUCTA

-DB Project Implementing partners; DB VTC Oysterbay, JSO, and PDO.

-Project Manager: Cassian Bilikwija

-Key Team Members: Oswald Manyerere (Resource Mobilization partners & synergies) Juliana Mamboya (DB Oysterbay), Diana Mwita (JSO), & Gideon (Accountant)

Project Status;

As of July 2024, the project is implementing the third and last batch of trainees for first project implementing period.

Key milestones of the project:

292 youth have been trained, 6 teachers have been offered industrial training for upgrading their knowledge and modern technologies in the industries. Our teachers were involved in curriculum development. Don Bosco has played key role in success planning and implementation of the project. 4 signed MoUs with associations of different sectors, Tea industry, Horticulture industry, Hotels Industry and confederation of Tanzania Industries. Don Bosco has been selected for the 2nd upcoming implementing project for a year’s term. Official communication is to be made later.

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