Apprenticeship Training Project (ATC)

Project Summary:

The Apprenticeship Training Project, commonly referred to as ATC within the Don Bosco Framework, is a skills development initiative aligned with the government’s National Skills Development Programme (NSDP). Its primary emphasis lies in fostering the acquisition of employable skills among the national labor force, thereby augmenting workplace and industrial productivity. The NSDP strategically employs apprenticeship, internship, and recognition of prior learning (RPL) methodologies to effectively realize its overarching goals. Don Bosco, distinguished among 43 public and private institutions, actively participates in this project, aspiring to positively impact and empower a total of 706 youth out of the 6,000 Tanzanian youth primarily benefiting from the project. The project’s key objectives include;

Objective 01:  To provide quality training and apprenticeship program for 706 marginalized youth seeking to transform their lives through TVET training by October 2024.

Objective 02: To increase employability and labor mobility of 706 marginalized youths through certification of skills acquired through basic certification training by October 2024.

Objective 03: Enhancement of soft skills development in improving an individual’s interpersonal skills in the work environment to boost productivity by October 2024.



Project Sponsor: The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania

DB Implementing Partners within the Gvt; The Prime Minister Office Labor, Youth, Employment, and People with Disabilities.

DB Project Implementing partners; DB Dodoma, DB Oysterbay & DB KIITEC

Project Manager: Cassian Bilikwija

Key Team Members: Alfred Dalasia (DB Dodoma), Juliana Mamboya (DB Obay and KIITEC) & Diana Mwita (JSO) & Gideon (Accountant), Oswald Manyerere (Liaison contact/Resource mobilization)


Current Status:

As of July 2024, the project has entered its final stage of school training, with 587 students remaining. The enrolled trainees are scheduled to begin their field attachments in August, and they will officially complete their field attachment training by the end of September.

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